BBRR Hall of Shame

Welcome to the BBRR Hall of Shame.

First and foremost, I know this is disgraceful, but I don't care anymore. Just like any other human, I can be nice, but when I've had it, I've had it. And this page is my only outlet in my whole blog to publicly reveal these scumbags' true nature. I can't say for the entire playerbase on the Asian pioneer server, but the community here seriously has some of the most cancerous individuals I've ever encountered in ANY game I've played. I never wanted drama, I just wanted to enjoy the game alone in peace, but for some reason, some of these pests just won't leave me the hell alone.

Below are the in-game names and ID of some of the most unredeemable individuals who have either gone out of their way to try to antagonize me, to jeopardize my gaming experience, or are just plain dangerous. I am NOT sorry for revealing your identity and letting the public know about your good deeds, and you are welcome.


ASIA PIONEER SERVER (Moonsong and 10 Sages)

DoNotDisturb (ID: 12707)
MK8789 (ID: 19328)

This player is, by far, the worst and most dangerous individual in the server. He has proven to be deceitful, hypocritic, and manipulative, among many, many other atrocities. He tried to make advances on me as soon as he found out that I'm female. He also stalked and attempted to libel my friend who had done absolutely nothing at all, just so he can play "hero" among his friends who he almost succeeded in brainwashing. And these are just the tip of the iceberg. Read full story with evidence here.

Yoshisunei (ID: 11448)
Yoshisukei (ID: 12330)

We had a falling out over a failed alliance merger, which I made the tough decision to call off due to their poor attempt to keep their end of the bargain. In response, this sorry bugger had the audacity to blame the entire fault on me and my team, making sure that his one-sided justifications reaches my feedbox. To further attempt to piss me off, he won't leave me the hell alone by spamming me friend requests, all while insinuating about me on global chat on purpose, and then pathetically denies his malicious intentions when I called him out for it, contradicting himself all the time. Targeting me on Ranking Duel on purpose and calling me mad and angry and whatnot, and asking why I'm ignoring him. FFS, THE DEAL IS LONG OVER. Your little jokes and pranks aren't funny and you are one hell of an eyesore trying to seek attention. Seriously, get the goddamn f over it.

Nurlis (ID: 18772)

Alas, the culprit who is responsible for stirring up drama and ultimately ending the merger between my team and Yoshisunei's team. Birds of the same feather flock together after all. This little critter first attacked my teammate on Ranking Duel, and immediately after that, filled the alliance chat (FFS, both our teams could read it!) with really crude insults about her heroes calling them weak etc. And his victim didn't do a single thing to warrant the uncalled for vitriol coming from this scumbag. My team got upset about it and I withdrew all my teammates from the merger. In response to that, this petty creature took the liberty to target her on Ranking Duel consistently on a daily basis and posting the videos on global chat, and would shamelessly add that he wants to punish her, teach her a lesson etc. Ignoring the fact that he had to challenge her multiple times to score a mere win, and to hide the fact that he alone was the cause of this whole mess.

Xaxau (ID: 16980)

This one hell of a petty guy who also won't leave me the f alone. This guy is one of the few bloody pests (the other being Yoshisunei) who targets me on Ranking on purpose just to be an asshole/seek attention. These intentional attackers are the reason why I can't collect information for Summit Duel and update the blog as easily. Before you judge me saying it's normal to attack in Ranking, this guy here singled me out for some goddamn reason and kept attacking me WHENEVER he gets the damn chance. I for one, don't attack the same player multiple times after I failed to defeat him the first time, out of respect. I also don't aim for exceedingly high rank placements and easily settle for a seat where I don't get insta-booted from it the next split second. In other words, the people around me have the SAME stats or LOWER than mine, and this petty blighter picked me again and again when he could have picked someone else, like I owe him money or something. Not only that, he also posts the videos on global chat like it's some bragging rights in a pathetic attempt to spite me. He also contradicts himself like the degenerate he is when he tries to justify his petty actions. Could have done the world a favor and shove that false pride up your fat ass, because that's where your bullsh*t belongs to, right in the sh*tter.

にざむ (ID: 22206)
キザム (ID: 33291)

No, he isn't really Japanese. Yes, he is one of those Japanese wannabes. I have so many things to say about him, but I'll get straight to the point about what made him enter this List of the Hated. This obnoxious creature is a chronic insufferable smart aleck, self praiser and attention seeker. He also has this annoying habit of butting into people's affairs on global chat, not knowing what actually is going on, and acting like he's some sort of hero solving the matter, unaware that he's just making the situation worse with his unneeded intervention. He also seems to have something against me for some reason, like the petty scumbag Xaxau. One of the fights he "heroically intervened" was my fight with Yoshisunei, again, acting like he knows everything that's going on when in truth he knows jack sh*t. Yes, I can tell you were trying to diss me on purpose in that pretentious act to "curb the fight", though it's a pity you ended up making the situation worse for yourself that day. Good job, but you weren't needed and you really got to know your place, so go play hero in mommy's basement or something.


  1. I am sorry you had to go through this. I have no good words to spare for these kind of people. They are disrespectful and narrow-minded people who aren't worth anyone's time, so don't let their negativity get to you! Every game has toxic players like them too, unfortunately...

  2. I never liked them, and I never will. Now I just ignore global chat entirely. The community used to be fun, but it changed for the worst after many left and these buffoons take over. They are good at nothing except harassing people they don't like to make themselves feel superior. No use trying to talk sense into them, just let these idiots be and enjoy the game =]
