Newbie Guide

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Which hero(es) should I focus on?
This is really subjective and hero preference differs from player to player. In my opinion, newbies should focus on Ragna and/or Noel first, because these 2 heroes are easiest to unlock, have newbie-friendly combos to get used to, and are very popular among players. For your 3rd hero to work on, I strongly suggest Jin (and skip getting the others until you get him), because of his equally easy-to-use combos and his proficiency in ranged and close combat, he is without a doubt a player favorite. Jin may take considerable time to unlock if you F2P but trust me, it's well worth it getting him. After that, try to unlock the other heroes for reasons I'll explain below. Of course, if you have a better idea of what you want, you don't have to follow my advice on this.
Own 3 heroes: Unlock Ranking Duel. Fully utilize Infinity Tower and Resource Loot.
Own 4 heroes: Unlock certain promotion requirement.
Own 5 heroes: Unlock Real-Time Battle.
Own 6 heroes: Fill up all 6 hero slots in Ranking Duel.
Own all heroes: Hero bond advantages.

2. How to gain power fast?
3(+1) basic resources every player needs:  Energy,  Coin,  Seithr,  Diamonds.
Energy is the most important because the amount of energy you spend directly determines the speed of your progress. Energy is spent only on clearing Story Mode strongholds, which grants you most of everything you'll need in the game like promotion material, enhance material, advance material, equipment, coin, seithr, key, EXP potions. I know right? That's a lot of goodies you can get from spending energy. Thus, to get more energy, I suggest buying energy (with diamonds) whenever possible, check attendance for free energy, and upgrade your Energy Institute.
Coins is vital for upgrading equipment. It is also used for upgrading hero emblem and institutes/factories. Best source for coins is Infinity Tower. You can also get it from Resource Loot, strongholds, Ranking Duel, Coin Factory etc.
Seithr is very important for upgrading hero skills. It is also used for upgrading hero emblem and institutes/factories. Best source for seithr is Infinity Tower. You can also get it from Resource Loot, strongholds, completing Training a.k.a. Military Academy, Seithr Factory etc.
Diamonds is the luxury currency of the game. You can use it to buy almost anything in the game. For the ones tight on diamonds, I suggest to use diamonds only on events granting 2x Energy Purchase (100 Energy + 100 Energy) and discounted 10x Rare Treasure (1988 diamonds discounted to about 1500 diamonds) where it's most worth it. Best source for diamonds is winning in Alliance War and Ranking Duel. You can also obtain diamonds from completing Hero missions, completing achievement milestones, daily quests, winning in Real-Time Battle, Resource Loot, Diamond Factory etc.

3. How to unlock the next chapter in Story Mode?
You need keys for that. Keys are obtained only from clearing strongholds, no other way. Not enough Energy for strongholds? Consider getting Energy by whatever means (refer to Energy subheading in FAQ #2) because Energy=Progress! Don't forget that to unlock the next chapter, you also need to clear all strongholds in your current chapter!

4. What is the quickest way to get Hero Draft Order?
Infinity Tower. It's a slow grind but that's your only daily source. If you have the diamonds, you can purchase 5x Draft Order Supply (each supply has a chance of giving 1-4 drafts upon opening) for a reasonable price of 250 diamonds from the Mysterious Store, which is the best deal you'll ever get in the game. Drafts are also obtainable from Monthly Sign-In, Main missions and Story Mode chapter clearance chests.

More Tips

  1. It is advisable to spend all your resources on your best 3 heroes so that you can reach higher floors in Infinity Tower, loot more in Resource Loot, gain higher ranks in Ranking Duel, etc. All of which grant you great rewards in the long run.
  2. After you got 3 well-upgraded heroes, it is wise to focus all your resources on ONLY one hero, making his/her stats as high as you can. You can use this high power hero to clear strongholds sooner than if you were to distribute your resources among multiple heroes. Also, you might get accepted into a good alliance because of that hero of yours.
  3. As newbies, do not, I repeat, DO NOT, waste your few precious orange equipment by REFINING! I know it looks tempting, but your equipment is more important right now! Only refine when you have advanced your equipment to at least ★★★★.
  4. When upgrading Hero Emblem, do not hit the "Quick Upgrade" button because it automatically consumes the max possible resources. Instead, don't be lazy and just manual upgrade it level-by-level. You sometimes get bonus jumps from 1.5x to 3.0x if you are lucky, saving you precious coins and seithr.
  5. It goes without saying that you should use diamonds sparingly, especially if you are a F2Per. Save your diamonds and keep your eyes peeled for special discount events before you spend them!
  6. Save your rank coins (obtained from Ranking Duel) and don't spend them unnecessarily! Ideally rank coins are best spent on orange equipment that you need, not anything else.
  7. Do not enhance Grey, Green and Blue equipment if you can help it. There is a handy PURGE feature that lets you get back 70% of your spent materials, but still. Try to enhance only Purple or better, Orange equipment to save materials you would have wasted from purging.
  8. It is debatable if spending precious Coin and Seithr on upgrading buildings is worth it in the long run, but it certainly is worth it in the long, LONG run, because the upgrades are permanent. Make the decision yourself if you think you should upgrade them early in the game, I think it won't make much of a difference either way. Anyway, buildings to prioritize are: Hero Tower, Energy Institute, Coin Factory, Seithr Factory. The other buildings are not so worth it, ESPECIALLY Skill Institute (seriously, if you spend diamonds buying Skill Points, you oughta slap yourself for it!)
  9. Take note that once in a while, there is an event that gives a discount on 10x rare Hero Treasure (from 1988 to about 1500 diamonds). It will be wise to save your diamonds for the event instead of spending them hastily on things you'll probably regret. Also, try to achieve a full monthly Sign-In attendance because you get a free 10x Treasure draw in the last day! Why is 10x Treasure such a big deal, you might ask. Because it GUARANTEES you at least a random rank50 orange equipment in every 10x draw (and a few rank45 orange equipment too if you are lucky!)

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