Normal Story Mode

Story Mode consists of a number of Strongholds which follows the storyline of the original BlazBlue Universe. Story Mode Chapters (Normal) are unlocked by clearing all Strongholds in the previous Chapter and by spending a certain number of Keys.

Currently, there are 150 Strongholds in the Normal Story Mode. Among these Normal Strongholds, there is one "Major" Stronghold in every three Strongholds, starting from Stronghold 3. Major Strongholds cost 10  each run, while regular Strongholds only cost 5  every run. Major Strongholds are very important for your progress as each of these Strongholds drop specific possible spoils useful for Hero Promotion and Equipment Advancing. These Major Strongholds can only be cleared/raided up to a certain limited maximum number of times each, depending on your VIP level (starting from 20 Challenge Chances per Major Stronghold at VIP 0). Challenge Chances, which only applies to Major Strongholds, resets daily.

You gain Stronghold Stars from clearing Strongholds based on your performance, which is determined by the percentage your remaining HP when the stage ends. Maximum achievement for each Stronghold is  (about 80% remaining HP). It is in your best interest to achieve 3 as it unlocks the Raid feature (instant clear) for that particular Stronghold. You also gain access to Chapter Clearance Chests with valuable rewards (get full 3 for every Stronghold in the chapter to unlock ALL rewards).

Bear in mind that if you fail to clear a Stronghold, or if you quit the Stronghold before clearing it, you only bear a penalty of -1  (contrary to the belief that you'll lose all of the energy you spent in that run), so there is no need to be too careful on spending energy when you attempt to challenge a new Stronghold.

When you clear/raid Strongholds (Normal or Elite Mode alike), you may reveal the Mysterious Store after a random number of challenges. The Mysterious Store appears only maximum once daily, and sells items that are not sold in regular stores like Factors and 5x Hero Cards.

There is also an Elite Story Mode, which follows the same storyline as Normal Mode, but with less strongholds, better rewards and higher energy costs. Read more about Elite Story Mode here.

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